Monday 20 December 2010

Project proposual...

The Chesterfield Borough Council are piloting a new recycling scheme aimed at small electrical goods such has, Hair dyers and straighteners, because of the worrying figure that only 15-20% of electronic waste gets recycled. At the moment there are not a lot of places where you can recycle these things. So the council are thinking about putting recycling banks in car parks, and at supermarkets etc. The main aim to this project is to create a poster that will encourage the public to use the new recycling banks for the electrical goods, instead of them just going to the land fill sites.
   For this project I aim to do some research on Recycling and also on existing recycling posters, of the old and contemporary looks to the posters and on the artist who as designed them to see if i can get a bit of inspiration. Some of the artists being Sam Kirk, Hebru Brantley and Hugo Style, these particular artists work on recyclable goods. I will also be looking at colour themes and what things would persuade the public to actually start to recycle their electrical goods.
    I will also be experimenting with different medias and materials such as mono prints, Collograpgh prints, Layering different materials on each other, as well as looking at different types and type sizes that are most effective. I also think i will come up with a a catchy slogan to help encourage the public. I will be making sure that the poster looks professional that it catches peoples attention.

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