Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation for blog project...

During the past five weeks i have been creating my own blog, while doing this project i have learnt the advantages to blogging. Them being that it does help to broaden your influences and information, cause of there being a blog for pretty much anything. I also like the fact that it is easy and simple to show other people own work and the things i like, i also like that maybe by other people looking at what i have looked at will be influenced to. Another advantage to blogging is that it is simple and quick to set up, which meant i could start posting straight away. Its also goo d because even though your own work might not look that good, having a blog makes your work look more professional and it also helps to build a portfolio.
         However in some people opinion, being able to create a blog that easy and that anyone can do, isn't fair on the people who are really good and are professionals. They see it has because there have worked hard and that it should be appreciated, by not letting just anyone post there own work on the blog. sometimes the blog decides to have a mind of its own and sometimes high lights text and images so you accidental delete them, sometimes the fonts sizes seem to change.
   While doing this project Ive learnt many new skills that i can do like making new posts, what layouts and fonts look good because of researching dyslexia. Ive also learnt how to set up the actually blog and also how to use the google reader. Ive also learnt ho to follow other peoples blogs.
     Overall blogging has its advantages and its disadvantages, but personally i like it, i find it easy and fun to follow people and find things that i like. 

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