Tuesday 1 March 2011

Lucian freud

Lucian Freud an english painter born december 1922, He is well known for he work showing similarities to that of Jenny Saville, Because they both paint nude people, along with other subjects. He also uses the same technique has jenny, like using large, dramatic brush strokes.
Above his one of his pieces of work where the queen is his subject, In this particular piece he has painted the queen in toned down shades of colour making her look regal, In some areas of the work he has used differnts tones such as gray, blue, green and white to high light dark and light areas. He has still used his tecnique though using the large and messy brush strocks.

In this painting he as taken a different approch, adding detail and dull tones of colour surgestting that the attmosphere was sad and miserable, you also think that the room is dark because of the dull colours used. Even though there is detail in this painting he still used large messy brush strokes.
   In conclusion I really like his work, and the techniques he uses, the way that his paintings look realistic because of the skin tones uses, the way he high lights areas, making the images look more detailed. I also like the fact that because he uses big brust strocks, it allows him to be quit free with paint, but still making it look great, I can see why he is considered the best artist of his time. Another reason i like his work is that he strays away form the media world by not painting stick thin models all the time, he also paints poeple that are close to him like friends, family, lovers, which shows in his paintings that he cares for the art work has well has the person in the painting, not only does he also paint people he paints animals, showing that he dosent jus limit himself to one subject, that he likes a change.  

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