Tuesday 22 March 2011

illustration friday.... stir

                                                                  Stirred emothions

This weeks illustrtion friday word was Stir, and because i like the saying stirred emotions and i like baking as an personal hobbie i decided to encorprate the two together... the media i used for this piece of woek was graphic pen and pencil... 
   I lie this piece of work because of its simplicity and the way it looks like an illustration, i like the scratchy effect i have done using the graphics pen and the way certain bits of the image look 3D.

Improvements that could be made...
Every week we do a group cret to help each other, and help say what could be improved in our work... This week my peers said that this particular piece of work could be improved with a bit of colour.
 Above is the image with abit of colour just to show how the image would look after some improvements that my peers said coud be done, t help my work look better...

                                                                 Stirring Spoons

Going with reason that this weeks word was Stir, i decided to do a skct of some tea spoons, and add different medias, ive used newspaper, graphics pen and pencil to help with shading. Im not has keen on this piece of work has i am the one above i think this is better for the dffrent medias i have used, but the one above is more of an llustraton and looks better to me because it is more simple.

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