Monday 28 February 2011

Jenny Saville... Essay

Saville was born in Cambridge in 1970, she is an english painter, who does traditional figurative oil paintings.
Unlike most modern day artists, Jenny's work strays away form the presses of the media world of having a perfect body, she paints large bodied women.
she paints her subjects in uncomfortable positions and often showing them in pain. Her work often bases her work on surgical procedures, such as liposuction, trauma victums, deformity correction, disease states and transgender paintents. Her work as been compared to that of Lucian Freud and Rubens. Only after researching do you realise that a large proportion is of her, where she puts her own head onto the body of the subjects she paints, i.e like the image below... or sometimes she would put her own body into the images, like the one below below the first image.

Personally i like Jenny's work abit, but not keen on all the pain that the images show. However i like how she has used the oil paints and been really free with the paint brush making it look messy which goes with the painting being based on pain, uglyness, surgery and deformities. I also like the way that the paintings make you feel slightly uncomfortable in seeing a body that is so out of control and filling the canvas, with dramatic and messy brushstrocks and imperfections. Even after all this you still want to look at it.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Illustration friday...Dusty

Dusty Boots
This weeks word was dusty, straight away the word made me think of something old and abit tatty... i decided i want to do an object that would get used every day, and i knew i want to use the media graphics and charcoal to help get a dusty effect i like, so i came up with the phase usty Boots because it looks abit vintage and old... i deciede to put the word dusty into the image to make more sence of the image. 

Improvements that could be made
Every week we have a group cret, where my peers say what they like, dont like, and what could be improved... they said that this particular piece of work fits well wih the word used, but might have looked good with a bit of colour and maybe would look good in water colours.